Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Funday

Let's just take a moment to talk about one of my favorite things- this little guy decorating my bathroom: 

I love how you can see his fangs! So creepy! On-the-verge-of-scaring-children-creepy. It was a gift from Hubs about this time last year, and I would love to add another to my one-piece collection- but every time I look for another one at Ryan Berkley's Etsy shop,I am overloaded with options (good options at that, how is a person as indecisive as me supposed to decide?!?).

Onto more fun. While internetting I came across another amazing Etsy shop, Kivaford, and I am just amazed that making a miniature chemistry set is even possible! 

Sometimes I wish I had become a scientist just so I could have something like this to decorate my intelligently-themed desk that I work on very long equations at. 

More fun...

While I'm thinking about it- I hope that if I ever try my hand at carpentry it ends up in a miracle. I mean I hope it is super easy for me. And cheap. And I can make things like this (also found on Etsy here): 

I love all the compartments- and the cute old couple in the frame- I'll take it all! And it is called an Apothecary Cabinet, and who doesn't like the word "Apothecary"?!?! It takes me back to my Friends watching college days, here, have a little scene and reminisce with me on Youtube.

Well, just found this one from Target and it could be better with some interesting drawer pulls. Definitely the cheapest I have found... 

If only I had the skills to make my own furniture... can you just imagine how much significantly prettier this apartment would be?!?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I've had this vintage typewriter for quite a while now, and I still can't figure out what to do with it. Living in West Texas, stuff gets really dusty really quick- and this girl really doesn't like to dust. So, I can't really keep it out and open. Oh and I have a Cat, Dinah, who would have a hayday stomping all over it. It is fully functioning, so maybe some kind of typist-craft-DIY thing could be made? Hmm? Well then what should I do with this? I looked on the interweb and still got nothin. So ideas are welcome! I'll keep you posted on any progress I make with this little guy :]

Real quick- So I like calendars. I even put them on my desktop. And I cannot wait for the months to change so I can see what the folks at the Free People Blog come up with. I hope you enjoy these free downloads too!

Monday, March 14, 2011


So I was debating on posting this now... or later... but the hubs was encouraging (so you can actually blame him...) and said to me "you should say whatever your brain spits out". So I am going to be honest. This little commercial is most definitely my fave of this year. Possibly of all time. It made me laugh, squeel, and tear. All essential elements in anything I rate as A+.

Yes, I have always loved Cats. It's just becoming more socially acceptable for me to admit this now- and I am married- so I don't have to pretend I'm not obsessed anymore. ANYWAY- onto the cuteness- and I promise less cat-themed posts to come :] 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

About A Blog

Hello world- I am so excited to be starting this blog... And I already have writers block! Well, I can start with telling you why I want to be a blogger... I have been following quite a few blogs for quite a few years now (will post links to some of my faves in a bit) and I loved getting new DIY ideas, styling tips, easy recipes, pretty fonts, etc. etc. etc. So- i'd like to pass along some of my findings and also share some of my experiences as a girl-turned-woman... and drop some real good birthday hints for the husby ;]

here is some blog gold:
Go Fug Yourself
Blythe Hill
Kendi Everyday