Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Funday

Let's just take a moment to talk about one of my favorite things- this little guy decorating my bathroom: 

I love how you can see his fangs! So creepy! On-the-verge-of-scaring-children-creepy. It was a gift from Hubs about this time last year, and I would love to add another to my one-piece collection- but every time I look for another one at Ryan Berkley's Etsy shop,I am overloaded with options (good options at that, how is a person as indecisive as me supposed to decide?!?).

Onto more fun. While internetting I came across another amazing Etsy shop, Kivaford, and I am just amazed that making a miniature chemistry set is even possible! 

Sometimes I wish I had become a scientist just so I could have something like this to decorate my intelligently-themed desk that I work on very long equations at. 

More fun...

While I'm thinking about it- I hope that if I ever try my hand at carpentry it ends up in a miracle. I mean I hope it is super easy for me. And cheap. And I can make things like this (also found on Etsy here): 

I love all the compartments- and the cute old couple in the frame- I'll take it all! And it is called an Apothecary Cabinet, and who doesn't like the word "Apothecary"?!?! It takes me back to my Friends watching college days, here, have a little scene and reminisce with me on Youtube.

Well, just found this one from Target and it could be better with some interesting drawer pulls. Definitely the cheapest I have found... 

If only I had the skills to make my own furniture... can you just imagine how much significantly prettier this apartment would be?!?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your apartment is very nice anyway. Are Jeremy's swords part of the decor?
