Monday, May 23, 2011

The Newsies

Hello again!!!

It has been too long! Let me explain- April was a whirlwind month for me... I had a high of celebrating my birthday & a low of dealing with side effects from a concussion I got at work. I also left my merchandising job and took a job with some awesome photographers here (yay! here is their site if you're curious).  And I have projects lined up with some interior decorator-friends so this should be a very exciting and busy summer! Jeremy and I have been planning out our summer trips lately, and I am already preparing myself to not buy every piece of junk (aka "treasure") I see when I go to CANTON in a couple of weeks! YAY!!! It's been a long time since I have been there last- all i can remember from my last trip is that it involved beanie babies.... oh and in case you forgot, it is the WORLDS LARGEST FLEA MARKET.

Lately I have been super absorbed in reading this little jewel, you might have heard of it....

And been trying to paint these... this project has been in the works for about a month- I have a love/hate relationship with these birdhouses.

OH how have I not mentioned Pinterest by now?!?! This is by far my new favorite internet hobby! You can create all kinds of "boards" that you "pin" all kinds of images you find on other people's boards or from the web or photos you take. Here's the best part- you can put a pin-it button on your toolbar (I think I mean bookmark bar- technical terms are not my strong point), so if you're just out and about on the web and find something you want on one of your boards- you can just click on your "pin it" button and sends it to your board! Here is an idea of what I'm talkin bout:

Lastly, I have been having some cat-drama. Dinah has been acting out. Maybe with all the craziness that's been going on these past couple of months is to blame? I did quite a bit of googling Saturday, and the only thing I can come up with is that he needs more attention... which makes sense considering I was a post-concussive zombie in April and have been super busy this month... And he is a Siamese. So my strategy is to give him more treats, have play sessions when I get home from work, and keep every article of clothing in our closet (Dinah tore up basically a whole outfit of Jeremy's). We'll see what happens!

I better get back to my leftover peanut butter pancakes and Seinfeld...

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